Founded in 1963 Allport Cargo Services operate in 30 countries, with representation in another 100. The ACS network extends to 450 offices, with more than 21,000 personnel and a worldwide turnover exceeding £600 million.
Above: ACS re-brand Allport merged with their Chinese partners Cargo and services and wanted a new identity that signified that fusion and synergy. A branding Extranet provides global oversight of brand use and access to branding assets.
Above: ACS website Corporate website deployed on Wordpress platform for ease of content management and development of template format for roll out to ACS international locations.
Above: Print ACS corporate brochure and suite of literature to match the immense capability and diverse range of services provided by this forwarding behemoth globally.
Above: Photography Multiple shoots and locations focus on Allport people and the many solutions they deliver.
Above: Video A library of video has been produced for use on-line, in presentations and for internal training.
Founded in 1970; Norman Global Logistics operates five UK and seven Asian offices. Providing air, sea and road freight services, together with logistics operations and a dedicated recyclables operation.
Above: Norman re-brand An update of the Norman logo, which retains the established helmet graphic from the existing logo but has a more modern look and typeface. The strapline reinforces the new branding and reflects client sentiments uncovered during the Marketing Discovery.
Above: Norman website New website design and email marketing incorporating Norman's new look and key messages, providing the foundation for an extremely successful inbound marketing campaign.
Above: Video
Using existing assets and minimal stock video this promotional video was produced swiftly and at low cost, to provide an engaging introduction to Norman Global Logistics.
Above: Norman brochures and sales aids
Corporate brochure and flyers, postcards and case studies uses new branding and key messages uncovered during Marketing Discovery.
Above: Welcome Pack
Innovative Welcome Pack supports customer on-boarding and provides a unique up-selling tool.
Above: Photography
A selection of images from shoots at NGL's Felixstowe and Heathrow Head Office.
MIQ Logistics is a Top 100 global forwarder, with 150 offices in 80 countries, providing access to 5,000 logistics professionals worldwide.
Actualis are MIQ's virtual marketing department; providing strategy, support and solutions.
Above: Product Brochures Series of 5 product brochures promoting key MIQ services for Air, Road, Integrated Supply Chain, Control Tower and Ocean. Currently working on more. Designed for print, digital and email.
Above: Direct Mail and Digital Campaign An integrated digital, direct and press campaign that used 4 teasers to highlight unique benefits of the MIQ supply chain management solution and 1 reveal to generate enquiries.