Branding is the fastest way to communicate who you are and what you offer.
Your brand represents a promise. One that should be linked to your values and equally well understood.
If you’re of a certain age, then you’ll remember the legend that our banknotes used to carry. “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of………”
Each banknote’s design and colour communicated clearly to us the value promised.
Your brand represents a promise too. Not a monetary one, but one that should be linked to your values and equally well understood.
Building core values into a brand at the outset will help attract a loyal customer base and will determine your position in the market, distinct from your competitors, defining your unique selling proposition (USP).
The values don’t need to be complex or clever. At Actualis Marketing we measure all our activity against just four key values: Understanding; the issues our customers face Inspiration; encouraging and persuading to act positively Expertise; providing new ideas, that will work for their business Support; to help our clients achieve real business growth and business success
Translating your values and USP into a strap-line can be a powerful addition to your branding, making your differentiation even more prominent.
These core values need to be an inherent part of your internal operations, as these will directly impact the outward face of the brand.
We use our values as a prism, to evaluate every piece of work we develop.
The threat of diluting or even losing core values is a very real threat as companies grow and become more established, which can create a very real risk of losing previously loyal customers.
To counter this threat it is necessary to foster an internal culture that will reflect and develop the values, creating brand advocates among staff, who will attract and retain customers with their enthusiasm.
Brand Values: Whether through your name, or the way your name is visually represented as a logo, branding is the fastest way to communicate who you are and what you offer.
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