Engaged to overhaul the web presence of this unassuming freight forwarder – a true hidden gem of capacity and capability – Actualis seized the opportunity to be bold and showcase Global’s many USPs, positioning them as BIG and ‘boutique’.
We end 2020 with a look at the new web site created for our friends at Global Forwarding.
Great web site design starts by discovering the things that truly make you different and crafting the key messages that communicate those unique selling propositions (USPs) most effectively.
These key message form the framework that the designers will hang their designs and page layouts on.
Established in 1993 Global Forwarding operates out of freight centres in the UK, Ireland and the United States and has been a member of the Hecny Group, one of Asia’s largest forwarders, for 10 years.
Since inception Global has been driven by a total commitment to the customer and developing solutions – and technology – that provide the very highest levels of service and effectiveness.
Actualis’ web solution is a comprehensive site approaching 50 pages, built on three pillars of capability; scale, service and technology.
Across the site, and deploying a variety of techniques, these three USPs are highlighted, repeated and reinforced in different contexts, including education, case study, testimonial and thought-leadership.
Global Forwarding people are the difference, which is why we use original photography to put the Global team upfront and central across the site. Proof of the personal service offered by them and creating a personality for the web site. In contrast to the bland and repetitive sites, that so often represent freight forwarders.
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